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Grass mix Barenbrug

Herb mixtures for parks, gardens and sports grounds of one of the world leaders - Barenbrug. The Aquamat 2000 catalog includes 7 of the most popular Barenbrug blends:

1. PRP - a self-regenerating perennial ryegrass that forms stolons. Much stronger than other types of perennial grasses, with high wear tolerance, making it suitable for gardens and parks, sports ground.
2. Bar Power PRP - is distinguished by its regenerative capability thanks to the stolons. It has a high growth rate, good disease resistance and high grass carpet density.
3. Shadow - a grass mix designed especially for shady terrain. Even without the presence of bright sunlight, the result is a thick grassy carpet with no blobs and no risk of moss.
4. Speedy Green - a widely used mixture for sieving. Ideal for restoration of terrain after heavy loads. The seeds germinate quickly and resurrect the grass carpet for a short time.
5. Water Saver - a grass that has less need for water. The specific seed varieties in this mixture form a deep root system - more than 60 cm, so the grass receives water from deeper soil layers.
6. Mow Saver - low-growth grass mix for less mowing. It reduces the need for mowing with 35%.
7. White clover - a perennial plant that, due to its high nutritional value, is mainly used on pastures. It spreads through stolons, reports high yields.


Rain, frost and hail protection system from Aquamat 2000

In the spring frost season, farmers complain of losing future yields. The spring frosts are not a problem for Radostin Kanev's cherry garden in the village of Zafirovo. The rain, frost and hail protection system provided by Aquamat 2000 allows the farmer to be calm for the cherry harvest.
The polyethylene structure ensures the microclimate of the plantations and provides 100% frost protection. The system is designed to withstand wind and has already proven its strength at wind speeds of 140km / h.
The film protects against cherry cracking and allows picking during rain. The system is built so that it does not overheat the trees during the summer. The hot air goes out through the openings between the polyethylene sheets.






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