Pivot system for spray irrigation "Fregata"

Chamsa Group has more than 50 years experience in irrigation systems domain, in particular in pivot systems for sprinkling water systems. The company is one of the leaders who makes irrigation machines.

Chamsa Group is representatived in Bulgaria from Aquamat 2000 Ltd.


Line pivot Urapivot for spraying water irrigation

Irrigation gives the possibility to produce higher yields. Pivot systems utilise every water drop. Chamsa Group helps making enough nutrition for the humanity in condition of water lack. The only possibility to realise this aim is to bet on innovative irrigation solutions. Urapivot is high effective irrigation system for big areas, which guarantees the increase of crop yields.


Portable pivot systems for spaying water irrigation

These portable pivot systems are intended to irrigate several terains consistently with one machine. While moving between the irrigated areas, the wheels of the machine turn 90 degrees.
