



  • An important source of vitamins and minerals
  • Besides the flavor, there are plenty of good reasons for you to eat tomatoes, it’s low in calories and will help you if you want to control your weight.
    Approximately 95% of a tomato is water, and barely a 4% are carbohydrates. It’s an important source of certain minerals, like potassium and magnesium. In his vitamin content we can find these: vitamin B1, B5, C and carotene (that is the pigment that gives the tomatoes their color)
    These two last vitamins have antioxidant properties that prevent cancer and heart diseases.





  • Growing Ginseng
  • You can cultivate ginseng in Bulgaria. The ginseng is very cold-resisting and photophilic plant but it can’t stand direct sun light and thick shade. In the summer the ginseng requires high temperatures and air humidity. The plant prefers generous soil and can’t grow on heavy acid soils. The ginseng growth and development are slow. The ginseng pollination becomes through seeds that usually grow for 1-2 years. If you want to make them grow faster, you have to put them in a cold place for awhile. You can put them with wet sand in 60sm deep hole in the soil. The seeds have to stay there for the autumn and the winter. In April you can plant the seeds in rows. The space between rows has to be 10sm and between seeds – 3-5sm. Cover the seeds with burnt natural fertilizer.
    The annual ginsengs have to be planted in a permanent place with spaces 30-40sm between rows and 15-20sm between plants. The soil has to be prepared and very well fertilized in advance. 
    In the hot summer days you have to shadow the crops. You have to irrigate the crops regularly. The best irrigation is the drip irirgation. During the vegetation you have to take care of teh crops all the time.
    The growth in teh first 1-2 years is very slow. In teh first year you have only one leaf, in the second - two leaves and the seeds develop in the fourth year.
Sweet corn

Sweet corn

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