

Lettuce | Lactuca savita

Lettuce/Lactuca savita


Skirret(Sium sisarum)

  • Skirret Cultivation
  • The skirret is a cold-resistant plant. It loves sun light. The seeds grow slowly, especially if the soil humidity is not enough. To avoid this irrigation is needed. The best irrigation is the drip irrigation. If the sowing is direct, you have to plant the seeds early in the spring in rows. The space between rows has to be 20-25sm and10sm in the rows. For 10m² you will need 10g of seeds. You can grow the skirret by making seedling in advance. To have a good seedling you have to sow the seeds in warm beds in the end of February or in the beginning of March (2-4g/m²). The plants can be moved to their permanent places in the garden when they have 4-5 leaves.
    If there is ensured enough soil humidity, you can sow the seeds in August. Then the crop will be ready for the next year.
    The roots of the annual skirret are best for use.
    The cares for the skirret crop and the cares in parsley cultivation are one and the same. The soil must be generous, well irrigated, deep enough for the root-fruits and cleaned out of weeds. You have to fertilize with enough quantity of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.


  • Plum Irrigation
  • The following phases are critical for the plum:
    - before the blossoming season in April;
    - leaves growing up in May;
    - the beginning of June;
    - fruits growing up in July and August;
    - lately in the autumn.

    Plum loves soil humidity.  Best irrigation for plums is the drip irrigation.

  • Plum Fertilization
  • There're used nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizers and also natural fertilizers which are full of the important for fruit-trees iron, manganese, boron, molybdenum, cobalt and zinc.

    The optimal nitrogen rate is 50 g/m2. it is spread in two halfs - the first one in the spring before the blossoming season, and the second - in the end of May or the beginning of June.
    The phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are spread together (50-60 kg/decare).

    The best way to fertigate is the drip irrigation fertilization. Drip irrigation is the best solution for plums fertilization with soluable fertilizers.

    The best time to spread the natural fertilizer is in the autumn but if you miss it, you can do it early in the spring. The optimal rate for this fertilizer is 2-3 t/decare for rich soils or  up to 6 t/decare for poor soils.
  • Plum Planting
  • Plum planting is usually in the autumn. The spaces between the fruit-trees depend on their sort. Usually the spaces are 6x5 or 5x4m. If the field is ploughed, you have to make planting holes 60x60x50sm or,if it's not,the holes must be 100x100x70sm. The soil that is digged up should be mixed with 15-20kg nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. After that you have to cut 1-2sm off the healthy sapling roots and cut off the damaged roots till you get a healthy tissue. Then roots have to be dipped in a squashed fresh cattle manure with soil. The planting is made by two workers. One of the workers puts the sapling in the middle of the hole and the other fills the hole with soil. After planting you water the sapling with 20-30 l and you have to strew with dry soil or manure.

    Drip iirgation is the best way to irrigate and fertigate the plums. Drip irrigation guarantee the development ot the young plum trees. More on Plums irrigation.


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