Red currant


The currant belongs to the Ribes genus which includes around 150 kinds of plants. Usually in Bulgaria you can see the black currant. There are over 800 sorts of it that are created. The black currant is cultivated in Russia since XI century while in West Europe it’s XVIII century. In the nature different sorts of black currant grow in Europe, Asia and North America.
The currant fruits are full of vitamins, especially vitamin C and P. That’s why they are good for the heart, the blood pressure, the kidneys, the liver and the guts.
The currant likes wet and cool weather conditions, so it can pretty well endure the irrigation. The best way to irrigate the currant is the drip irrigation. The plant likes the sun and the nutritious soils.
Useful advices
  • Currant culturing
  • Soil cultivation before planting the currant is the same like with the raspberry and the blackberry. The currant is usually planted in the autumn after the leaf fall but before the middle of March. The row gaps are 2-2,5 m and 1,5 m between the plants.
  • Currant pruning
  • The currant tpruning during the first two years is very important for the high yields and the fruit quality. It is performed after the leaf fall but before the middle of March. There are forming pruning and fertility pruning.